Metatron for children
18/09/2018 0 By hlightThe new Metatron Hospital is the first NLS scanner that has the possibility to scan children. This is unique in the world and of course a wonderful gift to all parents concerned about their children.
Our children are our most valuable and precious gifts and normally parents have concerns about for instance what kind of food to give to the children. The Metatron Hospital will give a list of food-stuff that are well suitable for your child and also a list of neutral things. But most important it will give you a “Black-list” of food-stuff that are not at all suitable for your young one.
Furthermore, the Metatron Hospital NLS scanner will scan every organ, every nerve function and every vascular system in the body to check for chromosomal abnormality, influence of allergens, bacteria, viruses and fungi. And much much more…
Also, the new Metatron Hospital has the ability to energetically treat even the smallest child to correct everything that might be detected. If needed it is able to make preparations with the information needed for your child. This, is something really unique and wonderful.